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Cine suntem noi

Asociatia noastra deruleaza proiecte socio-educative axate in principal pe doua scopuri si anume primul , pe  prevenirea  abandonul scolar si familial , reintegrarea  scolara a copiilor , tinerilor si persoanelor   in dificultate si  sprijinirea lor  sa ocupe un loc de munca si integrarea lor armonioasa  în societate iar  un  al doilea scop il reprezinta implicarea copiilor si tinerilor  din toate categoriile sociale in activitati cultural educative care faciliteaza  dobândirea abilităţilor de comunicare şi colaborare, a cultivarii încrederii în forţele proprii  si asimilarii valorilor comportamentale moral crestine

De fapt, asociatia  doreste sa ofere ceea ce in mod normal orice copil ar trebui sa aiba, adica: educatie, indrumare, atentie, intelegere, grija, sprijin material, hrana, un sfat bun si multa afectiune. Oferind un suport real, profesional, dar si de suflet, asocatia ii ajuta pe acesti copii si tineri sa isi valorifice potentialul, sa devina persoane capabile sa duca un trai independent si decent.

Activitatea socio-educativa a asociatiei noastre  reprezinta o investitie in prezentul si viitorul acestor copii defavorizati , care trebuie sa aiba sansa de a traversa barierele saraciei si de a primi o educatie care sa faca din ei oameni valorosi ai societatii contemporane romanesti.

Scopul proiectul “Noi Orizonturi” Catina  este de a sustine copii scolari aflati in situatii dificile de viata, care se afla in pericol de abandon scolar, inainte ca acestia sa-si piarda increderea in scoala si sa alunece pe panta unei vieti dezordonate si libertine, cu consecinte dramatice pentru viitorul lor. Proiectul urmareste nu doar prevenirea abandonului scolar, ci si prevenirea neglijarii si a abandonului familial, cresterea nivelului educational, prevenirea situatiilor de criza in familie si a consecintelor acestora asupra copiilor. Dezvoltarea abilitatilor de comunicare si relationare a copiilor si membrilor familiilor acestora constituie un alt obiectiv important al acestui proiect, care contribuie la imbunatatirea calitatii vietii copiilor defavorizati si a familiilor lor.

Deoarece copiii care participa la acest proiect provin din familii cu venituri scazute, care se confrunta cu mari dificultati socio-economice si care nu le pot asigura suportul necesar pentru o buna dezvoltare si pentru frecventarea normala a scolii, ei primesc in punctual de lucru Catina materialele necesare pentru scoala si indrumare permanenta pentru realizarea temelor si pregatirea examenelor si beneficiaza de consiliere morala si spirituala. Pe lânga acestea, ei sunt implicati intr-o varietate de activitati educative, activitati de dezvoltare a capacitatilor practice si de voluntariat, activitati sportive, excursii si tabere, activitati cultural-artistice si de petrecere a timpului liber (jocuri interactive, competitii, vizite la muzee, spectacole, discutii de grup, etc.).

Proiectul îşi propune  si crearea  şi dezvoltarea unui centru de zi pentru părinţi şi copii aflaţi în dificultate, oferind soluţii viabile la problemele sociale actuale . Pe de o parte  se va  oferi sprijin educational, social, moral , material si financiar părinţilor aflaţi în dificultate, care traversează o situaţie de criză şi ai căror copii sunt supuşi riscului de a fi instituţionalizaţi/abandonaţi/neglijaţi/exploataţi prin muncă/, iar pe de altă parte vor fi mobilizate grupuri suport-biserica locala si alte grupuri deschise pentru analizarea problemelor specific familiilor, pentru găsirea de soluţii precum şi pentru implementarea acestora.

Clubul Paper Crafting Turda

Toti copiii care frecventeaza Clubul nostru de Paper Crafting Turda participa cu mare placere la activitatile desfasurate in atelierul de creatie. Fie ca e vorba de bricolaj din materiale naturale, fie de pictura pe suport de hartie sau piatra, fie de croitorie sau creatie de bijuterii, implicarea in aceste indeletniciri dezvolta creativitatea si aptitudinile practice ale copiilor.

Pe langa aptitudinile concrete pe care copiii le dezvolta in cadrul acestui proiect, ei invata sa colaboreze, sa lucreze in echipa si sa se ajute reciproc. Lucrand, jucandu-se si confectionand obiecte cu propriile maini, copiii cultiva increderea in fortele proprii si, mai mult decat atat, asimileaza valori moral crestine care sa le fie utile toata viata. Clubul Paper Crafting Turda isi desfasoara activitatea saptamanal cu doua grupe de copii, prima cu varste cuprinse intre 5 si 10 ani, iar cea de-a doua cu varste cuprinse intre 10 si 14 ani. Cu timpul s-a format o grupa de excelenta, 10 copii cu varste intre 9 si 14 ani, cu talent deosebit, cu care mai realizam o intalnire in plus pe saptamana cu proiecte de crafting complexe.





Who we are

 “The Hands of Grace“ Association is a charitable, Christian association working in cooperation with others charities and volunteers to impact the lives of our fellows through the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and the lives of  the people in need through their giving of finance, skills, resources and time. We are focused on two directions, one regarding the involving of the children and teenagers in cultural and educational activities that facilitate the acquisition of communication skills, the growth of confidence in their own forces and assimilation of the values of Christian moral behavior and the other one , focused on prevention of school abandonment and family, school reintegration of children, young people and people in need and supporting them to occupy a place of work and their harmonious integration into nowadays society.

Our mission

Our mission is to offer a helping hand according to the Scriptures. In Philippians 2:13 it is written that it is God who works in us, the believers, to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose. We belong to Jesus and we believe it is Him who wants to live in us and glorify His name in our lives.

The purpose of our social projects is to show God’s love and grace to special people in need, only here it is from you - an individual, and not an organization! Do not forget that it is  more blessed to give than to receive”! (Acts 20:35)


Our projects

1. “The New Horizons “ Catina project

There are a lot of families in the rural area in Romania affected by severe financial hardship and with extra difficulties such as long-term or terminal illness, violence or abuse, depression, disability or overcrowded and inadequate housing. These are families that face daily hardship made worse by all these and very often they get into the depths of despair and often they neglect their children or even abuse or abandon them.

The level  of social  inequality are reducing opportunities for children who happen to be on the wrong side of the have/have-not divide. The kids from poor families do not  have the ability to achieve their intellectual and economic potential and are socially deprived and doomed to failure.

Currently, our charity hopes to bring hope and God’s light into the lives of these poor fellows. Catina is a big village situated in the middle of Transylvania, Cluj county, 60 km far from Cluj Napoca. There are about 2200 inhabitants and the village population is decreasing .Structurally the population consist of Romanians 75,71%, Hungarians 24,84%, Roma 3,4% and Ukrainians 0,05%.The level of economic development is not very high because there are not too many opportunities for people to finding a good job. There are lots of advantages for business people who would like to invest in the rural area but the investment projects are in a beginning process.

If you adopt a Romanian family from Catina , it may mean the difference in life and death.

Many people will starve to death, or freeze to death this winter due to lack of food or fuel and a few euro a month can make all the difference in the world to them!

You will be given details about the family you adopt, and if you would like to communicate with them, we would do so as much as possible through our translator. Anything is welcome from food, clothes, furniture to money the people need to buy their daily bread.

Among our projects objectives are:

1.Focusing  on poor children and their families.

2. Providing  provision of school materials

3. Supporting  parents to send their children to the government school,

4. Informing  parents about the value of education,

5. Supporting children with extra help in the afternoon,

6. Organizing meetings, seminars and workshops concerning economic, social and spiritual problems in Romania.

7.  Performing indoor and outdoor games and sport activity for children and young people who do not have the possibilities at home and who live in poor communities at the weekends,

2.Why paper crafting?

The preschool age is a wonderful learning age for children. This is the time when they have a lot of curiosity and want to explore and know new things. Making crafts is a very creative way for children to spend leisure hours at home. Crafts are a great pastime for kids to indulge in, being an extremely experimental and creative outlet for their minds and developing skills.

 These art activities develop children basic motor skills as well as encourage creativity and innovation. While the younger kids can learn about shapes, colors and drawing, older kids can increase their artistic abilities.

In our Paper Crafting Club Turda Project ,children from all ages learn how to interact with one another while they are involved in making crafts and more than this how to thank God who gave them this great  gift –to be creative and useful for those around them. These craft projects can also help bring people together - connecting lives, strengthening family ties and forging friendships. The time and dedication put into making the greeting card and a heartfelt Christian message personally handwritten can bring encouragement to someone depressed and in need of a friend. Children who come to our club enjoy spending time together working , praying and having fun. The activities are usually developed in the own apartment of the our   project coordinator  Stefan Tosa and sometimes are invited to  public schools and  kindergartens . All the children need is more crafting material , paper, colors , glue and  specific tools. It is great when God shows His abundant love and we receive all these from those who love us.


For more information you may contact us at:

Tel/fax: (004)0264-459234 E-mail: asociatia mainile

Visit us on:

Facebook : Club Paper Crafting Turda


CIF 31609969





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